10 ways of sustainable gardening for birds

We can conserve our wildlife even from home without going to jungles and taking out a lot of time from our busy routine! While doing the same we can sit back and enjoy the view of colorful birds, butterflies in out back yard, or balcony! You don’t have to do much to get this pleasure if you make some minor changes in your garden to attract birds and to give them refuge. Birds basically need only shelter, food, and freshwater!

Tips for attracting birds, bees & butterflies to your garden

Even a small yard or balcony garden can be landscaped to attract birds, butterflies, beneficial insects & small animals.

  1. Organic Garden: If you make your garden organic, some insects & bugs will be attracted and they will thrive in your garden. These bugs and insects are the favorite food of birds so the birds will start visiting your garden. Use natural fertilizers like compost etc to feed your plants and to make your garden organic.
  2. Plant local trees, shrubs, plants in your backyard, or balcony of your apartment. This can provide food & shelter to this wildlife. Check with local nurseries for local plants.
  3. Use flowing plants in your garden. The colorful & fragrant flowers can help to attract bees to your garden.
  4. Try to avoid using plastic and use as much natural material for landscape accessories, that way it can help create a natural habitat for birds & insects.
  5. Freshwater: Make a watering site in your backyard or keep water containers in the garden for birds and don’t forget to refill it! This is very helpful for birds, especially in summer. The watering pan should be shallow. In the garden, it should be about 2 to 3 feet wide and about 3 inches deep.

    Bird Bath

    Birds are attracted by the gently moving sound of water. hanging dripping bucket above the birdbath can attract birds. before refilling always empty and rinse the birdbath.

  6. Nesting boxes can provide shelter to birds we can hang or fix it in our small garden.

    Bird nest

  7. We can add a feeder to improve habitat. We get different types of feeders -tray feeder, tube feeder, etc in the market. But the best option is creating your own DIY bird feeder by upcycling milk carton, watch our video tutorial here,

8. Dead drying trees can be home to birds, plants, fungi, etc. Consider leaving them as it is unless they cause any hazard. Use old logs & stumps in the garden & landscape.

9. Don’t use pesticides for your plants they are pollutants and can harm the little visitors to your garden. Instead, use natural pest repellants like neem oil, etc.

10. You can create a pond and keep fish in it. It needs little maintenance but will add beauty to your garden.

Now that you know how to attract birds in your garden click here to read about birds in UAE so that you can start getting to know your flying neighbors in advance.

Do you want to know more ways of sustainable gardening? Then join our tribe here.

Photo Credit: Lucinda Manouch

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Amruta Kshemkalyani, an expert sustainability professional turned social entrepreneur, is the founder of the Sustainability Tribe, AK Sustainability


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