Find or Start Sustainability Tribe Local Chapters

Sustainability Tribe was founded in 2009, since then we are raising sustainability awareness around every aspect of the lifestyle. We cover topics including sustainable lifestyle, zero waste lifestyle, green parenting, Eco-tourism, sustainable fashion & beauty, greener homes, the natural world around us, responsible consumption & conscious consumerism. Being an expert sustainability professional, the founder of Sustainability Tribe also covers aspects like Sustainability Industry & innovation news, green buildings, renewable energy, corporate sustainability & sustainable products and services for industry.

Our popularity grew around the world over the years and we started getting inquiries to start a local chapter of ‘Sustainability Tribe’ from different parts of the world. To endorse more global participants in our mission, we are now encouraging ‘Sustainability Tribe Local Chapters’ internationally for representatives from different countries, regions or cities.

Sustainability Tribe Local Chapter

A local chapter is a group of our tribe who live or work in a particular location and who, as a matter of geographic convenience, organize themselves to promote the goals of Sustainability Tribe through mutual education and support and by engaging their local community on causes related to sustainability.

Networking, Leadership, and Personal Growth:

Participating in a local chapter offers enrichment and educational opportunities close to home as well as opportunities to create a meaningful connection with fellow members and the community.

How to Start your local Sustainability Tribe Chapter?

  1. Send us an email to introduce you and why you want to start a ‘Sustainability Tribe Chapter’. Contact us here.
  2. The Sustainability Tribe Chapter needs to be a completely commercial free & on a voluntary basis to raise public awareness about a sustainable lifestyle.
  3. Together with us, you can start a social media group like Facebook Group named ‘ Sustainability Tribe — Your city Name’ and get connected with like-minded people.
  4. Share useful information about sustainable lifestyle from Sustainability (We will guide you on what will be the right and applicable information for your geographical region)
  5. You can help Sustainability Tribe to publish information on our website that is directly relevant to sustainable/ zero waste lifestyle specific to your region. Basically, you will contribute to creating region-specific guidebooks and your efforts will receive due credits.
  6. You can host events, meetups, talks, workshops. Once the group is established in your city, Sustainability Tribe Founder can deliver a talk for your chapter.
  7. Sustainability Tribe will provide further guidelines to our chapter representative on how to raise awareness, host events, find local sustainable products and some primary duties of our representatives.

We will list here Sustainability Tribe International Chapters so that our readers from around the world can get involved with the local chapters and contribute towards making our planet more sustainable for our future generations.

Join our tribe!