“We stand now where two roads diverge. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at it’s end lies disaster. The other fork of the road, the one ‘less traveled by’ offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of our earth”- Rachel Carson, Author of Silent Spring
When you came here to Sustainability Tribe, it’s obvious that you chose that second path which leads to harmony on our Earth, which existed not very long back! Congratulations and welcome to Sustainability Tribe! I am grateful for your willingness to take efforts towards sustainable progress!
“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance”- Nathaniel Branden
So go ahead and take the following steps to start your sustainable lifestyle, a journey that your kids and their kids will thank you for taking!
Here are some of the most important Sustainability facts, which everyone should know.
Some essentials of sustainable lifestyle for everyone and some simple changes in lifestyle for sustainable living;
If you are ‘Do It Yourself’ fan, then check our Eco-friendly DIY
If you are planning a vacation, read this Sustainable Travel and Destinations Guide along with our tried and tested Eco travel hacks. We are traveling responsibly for years and have tried different travel experiences including Solo travel, Family travel with kids, travel with a senior traveler, Adventure travel to name a few.
Here are a few of my favorite,
UAE residents & visitors, if you think UAE is just a sandpit, it’s not. Get yourself introduced to UAE’s natural beauty & native wildlife. My favorites are UAE’s Mangroves & Wadis.
Read these tips to start your Sustainable Lifestyle in UAE,
Spend your Dirhams wisely and don’t be fooled by fake greenwashing. One of the most important aspects of becoming a conscious consumer is steering clear from Greenwashing. Read here what is greenwashing?
If you are planning to buy any appliances first read these guidelines Energy-efficient appliances
Become a Green Consumer and lead a healthier life. Stop your struggle to find Eco-friendly products in UAE, just click Eco Product to find our experience with authentic sustainable products available locally. You can even find these Sustainable Services available in the UAE. Moreover, you can win our occasional Green Giveaways too, subscribe here to get notifications of giveaways.
Any parents here? Have a look at our tried and tested Green Parenting Hacks. You can find here green parenting resources from infant age and up. You will also find green birthday celebration ideas. I am sure you will love our Kids Eco Activities as much as we do.
These two are a must-read for all parents!
One more important thing to remember parents, this most important parenting rule applies to green parenting too; our kids get Eco-conscious by seeing our actions!
If you are already a fan of green living then you would like to take steps further with these tips,
If you are an organization or work in the sustainable industry; update yourself with
We can help you by promoting your Corporate Sustainability efforts or to promote your Business to Business sustainable products or services
Here are some very useful articles, you don’t want to miss.
Top 10 mistakes to avoid in Sustainable Business Practices
Have a look at how you can work with us? And what Sustainable Services we offer!
Educational institutes, I would love to support you and your students for Eco-Education.
I can come for Eco Talks to share my experience as a sustainability professional and advocate. I can design a sustainability seminar, workshops, or training courses for your students. I would be more than happy to provide any assistance to our future generations!
You can always Contact Us and count on us for any sustainability or environmental query.
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