How to calculate your Carbon footprint?

Hi Tribe, I came across a very useful carbon footprint calculator. It is a good measure to check how eco-conscious you are!

There are options to calculate your carbon footprint for house, car, bike, flight, public transport and secondary. When I calculated my carbon footprint, it came 2.3 tones /month. The average footprint of UAE people is 37 tones/ month. Thanks to Green Living that I save that much energy than other people in UAE! The average for the industrial nations is about 11 tones. The average worldwide carbon footprint is about 4 tonnes. The worldwide target to combat climate change is 2 tones. Now my target is to reduce my carbon footprint up to 2 or less than that!

Here is a list of some carbon footprint calculators

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Amruta Kshemkalyani, an expert sustainability professional turned social entrepreneur, is the founder of the Sustainability Tribe, AK Sustainability


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